Legal Information

This document is for information and promotional purposes only and is not an offer or solicitation to invest, an investment recommendation, investment advice nor an analysis of investment opportunities. Where the name “Fund” is used in conjunction with a verb, it conveys the collective name for SOLID FOUNDATIONS SICAV a.s. and an investment in the “Fund” means an investment in shares of the Sub-Fund.

You should read the text of the Fund’s (Sub-Fund’s) Terms and Conditions before making an investment decision. Neither the return nor the yield on investment is guaranteed. Please note that the value of securities changes over time and the historical performance of the Fund (Sub-Fund) is not an indication or guarantee of future performance. Investments of the Fund (Sub-Fund) are subject to specific risks as set out in the Fund (Sub-Fund)’s Terms and Conditions. The taxation of the Fund (Sub- Fund) is determined by law and may be subject to legislative changes.

The text contained on this website does not constitute a proposal to enter into or amend the contract or the acceptance of any proposal. The text on this website does not constitute a public promise, and the application of the provisions of Section 2884 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, on obligations arising from the legal acts of a single person is excluded. Detailed information is contained in the Fund (sub-Fund) Terms and Conditions and the key information document (KID). Please contact the fund manager and the fund administrator to obtain the Fund (sub-Fund) Terms and Conditions and the KID. The information on this website may not be reproduced, distributed or forwarded directly or indirectly to any other party in whole or in part without the prior written consent of the Fund’s statutory body.